2. Conversation with Joshua last night while we were both in bed:
- Mommy, I really, really, really love you.
- I love you too, Josh.
- Mommy, I love you so much, I promise not to sell you. Ever.
- Uh, ok. Thank you. *mental scratch on head - what the heck was THAT all about???!!!*
3. The other night my husband and I were wondering about this strange paw print that appeared on the blank screen when he put a movie in the dvd player. We were joking around when he suddenly pointed to the closet behind me and exclaimed, "What's that???!!!". I got so scared that I burst into tears (complete with hiccuping sobs). He felt soooooooo guilty! Heh heh
4. Last Wednesday night, we were shocked to hear about an accident on the skyway (an elevated highway). An armored truck belonging to a local bank swerved and fell 50 feet from the skyway to land on three vehicles stuck in traffic underneath. One person died and another one was severely injured. Such a tragedy, imagine just sitting in your car and an armored truck landing on you.
5. Yesterday morning while I was looking for shoes to wear to work in the bathroom, Joshua came in holding a plastic glass with something in it. It was a small snake coming out of a cracked egg. I shrieked . Loudly. Joshua said it was a toy and that my sister gave it to him. I looked at it again and saw wet patches that looked real. I wouldn't believe him and kept telling my husband it wasn't a toy. Then Josh started crying, frightened by me (I guess, um, I was kinda hysterical). My poor husband had no choice but to get the glass from Josh and put it aside until we all calmed down. One of these days I am going to put a feather (from Joshua's chicken -- which the maid will pluck, of course) and put it in my sister's purse.
6. We bought season tickets for Repertory Philippines and are watching the first play tonight. Pretty good line-up this season, all comedies and one of them a musical. This season includes a Filipino adaptation of La Cage aux Folles and Song and Dance by Andrew Lloyd Webber. They are also doing Fiddler on the Roof later in the year and Cinderella in August for their Children's Theater. I can't wait to bring the kids.
7. We're also seeing Peter Pan (the play) this Sunday. I'm just disappointed because they won't let in children who are below 4 years old. That means Faith will have to stay home and I am sad for her because she loves Peter Pan. We thought twice about seeing it if we can't bring Faith but I thought it was unfair to deprive Joshua just because of the age restriction on his sister. But I'm still sad. Darn the CCP's (Cultural Center of the Philippines) stupid rules!

9. I want to go to ZARA.
10. Because of Leo's post, I went and spent my whole lunch break the other day at the bookstore. I had a lovely, lovely time. (Thanks for reminding me, Leo!)
11. I still wonder what made Joshua think he can sell me. I mean, seriously, he CAN'T just do that. Right??! You can't sell your mother. Right??!!!
12. It's been two weeks since I organized the bathroom, bedroom and a week since we did the office and play area. And it is still nice and clean and organized. *happy sigh*
13. I. Want. To. Go. To. ZARA. *gulp*
Each one of those could have been a different post.
You're so funny and so very girlie!
You make me smile.
Menchie, I like the new look of your blog, even though you didn't plan for a new look! :)
By the way, I'm very, very glad that your son has no plans to sell you.
I love ZARA if it's the shop you are talking about i got my very lovely coat there
That's quite a head scratcher. I must admit the whole concept of our children selling us has never popped up in casual conversation at our house :o)
Andrew (To Love, Honor, and Dismay)
You've just reminded me that I need to backup my code...
Also...I like the look on your daughters face.
Made me chuckle. ;)
I like being girly! I think you are too. Isn't it fun?
Thanks! I kind of like it too. The previous one was a bit too blue, i think. And I am also glad he doesn't want to sell me. Though I think my daughter does...
Gentleman Oracle,
Hi! Thanks for dropping by! And you like ZARA too! I made a resolution to stay away from it this year though. I'm currently experiencing ZARA withdrawal.
I know! I don't know why it's cropped up at mine! Too weird.
Thanks for dropping by!
Better back up now. I muttered very unladylike words when I saw my blog was blank.
As for my daughter's face, she does that all the time, even to complete strangers. I know I have to break her out of that habit but i think it's cute.
thursday 13 on friday? hmmm. an executive decision made seamlessly!
if you don't mind, i want to hear about your maid, menchie. that is such an aristocratic term for me and i know it is something different for you. i'd love to hear how it works, how you schedule help, etc.
thanks for the return of our weekly 13's. that will inspire me to resume them as well.
I like your new look blog too. I've been having problems with logging in and posting, but it looks like I'm back (for now).
you got it together! like you - i love your life!!!
enjoy the play...
PS: the new blog-look works. AND JUST GO TO ZARA! you deserve it for keeping the bathroom, bedroom, office and play area organized this long! (is that a good enough reason to go to Zara?)
Zara rocks! Go to Zara and buy more shoes.
I find it easier to make the 13 on a Friday. :D
As for the maid, it works the same as anywhere else the only difference being the fact that they live in with us. In our case, they live in a separate house that my dad built on the property. We take care of all of their expenses like food, medical care aside from paying them a monthly salary.
Thanks, I'm starting to like the new look myself. Am glad you're back.
well, the play we saw last Friday night sucked. Am hoping Peter Pan will be better.
Oooooh, don't tempt me about ZARA!
OMG! OMG! I shouldn't! Not when they're liable to have the new stocks right about now.
#2 reminds me of something Kyle once said when he was 3. He told me that when he's older, he wants to marry me. I told him that he can't because I'm already married to his dad. Without missing a blink, he replied: "OK...I'll just marry Lucas."
Ms. Val,
OMG! Joshua also proposed to me when he was three! My sister says all little boys are a little in love with their mothers at that age. When I said he can't marry me, he said he'll marry his auntie.
Interesting blog. I'd write more but my children have sold me and I have to go.
So how much did they get for you?
Hmm.. how do you do a backup? I should definitely do it! Haha.. kids say the weirdest but most innocent thing. Wonder where he got the idea to sell you.. =)
Love the shoes!
just go to Templates then click on the small box that says back-up your template. that should do it.
I keep asking my son but he never gives me an answer. :D
Menchie, I cannot wait to scare you! LOL!!!
I'm prepared now. Won't scare so easily next time!
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