By a funny stroke of fate, all my children's birthdays fall during the month of May. Their birthdays fall on the 9th (Lucia), 15th (Faith) and 28th (Joshua). Unfortunately this year, it coincided with an important business trip which meant I had to miss the two girls' birthdays. What a guilt trip! It's so hard to be a working mom. I had to be gone for 10 days so I made sure we had a mini celebration on the weekend before I had to leave. I bought a small cake and their presents and we all sang happy birthday.
Good thing that the advent of technology still allowed me to be with them virtually. I was on skype on the actual days of their birthdays while they blew on the candles of their respective cakes. Lucky Joshua who was the only birthday I was actually home for.
So birthday number three is over and I can now focus on the coming school year. Only a couple of days left of the summer vacation. It's been rainy and gloomy alternating with intense heat. Not a very ideal time to be outdoors.
This year, Lucia will be going to nursery school. Where did all the time go? My baby girl is now a preschooler! Lots of luck to whoever is going to be her teacher. Heh heh. I have never met a more strong willed little girl who manipulates adults with her smile and sense of humor.
Pictures soon!